Tuesday 16 March 2010

The hunt is on....

The search is most certainly on indeed.

Firstly, after my rather untimely exit from the job market last week (yes- I was sacked) I need to figure out a plan to make some much-needed cash.

Secondly, I am currently looking for someone to make a wondrous cake for my dad's upcoming 70th birthday celebration. Due to my first point I did consider baking one myself, but had flashbacks to a pottery class disaster in '87 where I ended up with a slurry moustache.

And finally...I want to buy one of those little brush things to 'do my roots' I can no longer afford my £200 visits to Jo Hansford and the wonderful Taylor।

And I'm not the only one searching am I Anna K?!?!?

Best, Finnx


  1. Get the cake made out of town - adding the B word to it spikes the price considerably. You could try those local technical colleges - they have students there itching to put their skills to use. Just check they have public liability insurance...

  2. Oh dear - unemployment is making you a god of domesticity...I have now ordered said cake and sorted out the hair dyeing implement. Now just stuck on the money-making issue...
